Saturday, 18 August 2012

Garden creations and rainy day makes

With a little bit of sunshine and some old cotton tees you can create magic!

Love heart design drying in the garden - post wash

Newly painted peace symbol

Fresh from the machine and hanging on the line
I love designing my own clothes. These t-shirts are easy to make and you can make up your own designs as you go along. With a little creativity you can create vintage inspired clothing from old bits of clothing hanging around the house.

Alas, the sunshine does not last long up North and therefore my creative journey made it's way back indoors...........add some yarn and let your imagination go wild.

Thoughts of keeping warm and cosy were in mind when I created these....and a little bit of Minnie the minx.

Dennis the Menace inspired wrist warmers

Turquoise fingerless gloves

Stayed tuned for my necklace that was transformed into a belt................

KnittyNora xxx

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Thursday, 9 August 2012

A taste of Summer

Well, yesterday that lovely yellow orb in the sky decided to shine....all day long!

Making the most of the sun and heat is very important, especially when you enjoy climbing. And so, with the sun in the sky, we packed up our climbing kit and snacks and headed for the hills.

Here are a few pics of my lovely day out........

Off to celebrate the Husband's birthday. Have a good day folks! xxxxx

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Still searching for treasure....

Hi all! Just a quick update......

I've been busy climbing, crafting and attending a wedding over the past week....keep posted for photographic evidence!

My little craft room is full of fabric, yarn and buttons. So many ideas for creations but just never enough hours in the day :) I'm busy creating some more jewellery for my Etsy store at the moment. Knitted jewellery has become a bit of an obsession of late. It's so cosy and comfy to wear and has gained many admirers (always nice).

The sun is shining (at the mo) so I'm getting ready to do some more climbing..... pics of which will follow.

Here's where I went scrambling on Tuesday....anyone know where this is?! :)

KnittyNora xxx