Sunday, 22 April 2012

Where has the weekend gone?

I can't believe it's nearly 4pm on a Sunday afternoon! It's always the same. After a busy week I look forward to the weekend and then what happens......? It flies by!

I've decided not to set myself a list of things to do this weekend because I never get through it and you begin the next week feeling like you're chasing your tail (so to speak). This weekend I've made the most of some time to relax. My husband is busy playing on the hills and I'm enjoying being at home with my laptop and putting together ideas for crafty projects. At the moment I'm busy creating labels for my crafty creations ahead of a craft fair I shall be taking part in in a few weeks. I'm hugely excited and busy trying to get everything organised.

Thanks to a special offer from and etsy, I've just received a box of beautiful mini business cards. I can't wait to hand them out!

100 brand new mini business cards

Personalised cards- made especially for me

One of the many beautiful designs available

I'm off to make some scones now - yum! 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, wherever you find yourself and whatever you may be doing,

KnittyNora xx

Thursday, 12 April 2012

New items and some tasty homemade soup - yum!

Hi all!

Usually, when I begin a new project, I forage through my collection of craft books and search my favourite websites for ideas. Yesterday, however, I picked up my knitting needles and just started to knit. I've been thinking about creating some of my own 'patterns' for a while but something came over me yesterday and I just had to knit. And what did I create...? Have a look for yourself!

Grey rib wristband with brown button detail
Left to right: multi-colour diagonal rib with brown button detail,  black knit with rib edge and large blue/grey button and  grey rib with brown button detail

Three new designs from All you need is craft

The buttons used were found at a local vintage and antique sale I went to last weekend. I love finding cute things like this at vintage fairs. I'm planning a trip to another vintage fair this weekend.

As my post title suggests, I've also been busy making soup. I love nothing more than going to my fridge, looking for as many tasty ingredients as I can find and making whatever pops into my head. I call it guerilla cooking :) Yesterday, I made some delicious spicy carrot and lentil soup - thanks in part to a special offer on carrots at my local supermarket! :)

Soup simmering nicely


All this talk of food is making me hungry! I'm off to enjoy a bowl of soup......

KnittyNora xxxx

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Baking mad

This week I have been making the most of being on holiday from work. This has meant lots of time for indulging in my passion for cooking. If you didn't already know, I am a coeliac. This means that I am allergic to wheat and gluten and rules out a lot of food that you find in your local supermarket. Over the years I have got used to not being able to eat fresh bread from the bakers but sometimes I just cannot resist the urge to walk past the bakery to enjoy the smells coming from the bread ovens.

I like to think of myself as a half decent baker but after many attempts to create something vaguely resembling bread I had given up and focused on my attentions on cakes and crumbles. A few weeks ago, however, I received a delivery of Gluten free foods from a friend. Within this box of delights I came across some gluten free bread mixes. I was sceptical at first but this week I took a chance on the bread mix......and it paid off!

Pictures: top: my first focaccia, middle: traditional loaf and mini buns, bottom: my bread creations cooling down. 

I think they look pretty good and they certainly taste delicious....especially with some good raspberry jam! :)

I'll be back again soon with more pictures and baking stories.


KnittyNora xxx

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Rain, rain go away....

What a miserable day?! After a week of glorious sunshine I have awoken to lots of rain this morning. Although this means no BBQ for me today, I'm sure my garden is very grateful for the drink.

My husband and I have been busy planting lots of lovely things in our garden. It has been a blank canvas for a year and a half as we settled into our new home and were busy out and about, exploring the beautiful countryside. This year we have decided to give our little patch of green some much deserved TLC and have started with some beautiful young trees and Rhododendrons. I've also purchased some fruit bushes to plant - blueberry and raspberry! Perfect for making jam and for decorating homemade cakes. Hidden under the compost are some herbs I planted a week or so ago and some sunflower seeds (left over from my Wedding a year and a half ago). I really hope they grow! I'll be sure to post some photos of our progress soon.

On a crafty note, I'm currently making some soft toys for my new nephew, George. He was born two and a half weeks ago and he is just beautiful. Both baby and mummy are doing well and this auntie is delighted to be able to shower little George with lots of homemade gifts. He has already received his first little knitted cardie and booties (see pics below - left: baby elephant teddy and right: George's first hand knitted Cardie and booties)

This half-term (once the planning and marking is done) I plan to spend lots of time outside enjoying the beautiful countryside and mountains that surround me. I've been out this weekend and feel so lucky to have such beauty on my doorstep. Climbing, walking and crafting.......what a way to spend a half-term :)

Lots of love and crafty hugs,

Knittynora xxx

P.s. All photos are my own. Please ask for permission before using these elsewhere. xx

(Outdoor pics - top left: climbing Red Pike, bottom left: some scrambling on Middle Fell - Iron Crag)