Sunday, 27 October 2013

Slowly but surely......

Hello lovely readers! It sure has been a while.....a very long while.

I'm pleased to say that I am now resting up at home after having an operation two and a half weeks ago. Over the past few days I've managed to pick up my knitting needles again and have made a start on some Christmas gifts. Think cosy, warm slippers and snoods.....yum!

Here are a couple of pics, especially for you:

My very happy feet and slipper socks

Using a multi colour wool created a lovely multi tonal design 

I've also made these in a couple of other colours, ready to be wrapped up for Christmas and given to their new owners :)

I'm also making some baby clothes for a special friend who is about to become a mummy for the first time. I love making baby items and especially love making things for people I love. 

Hope you're all keeping well. Pop back soon for a sneak peek at some of my other new makes.

KnittyNora xx

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Birds of prey, visiting friends, a 40th birthday and a hospital visit.

It's been a busy week or so for me......a hospital visit to see my consultant, a lovely visit from some friends and my husband's 40th birthday.

As I'm sure you can imagine, this left me feeling more than a bit tired :) Here's a little sneak peek at what I got up to...........

A gentle stroll around Ennerdale water

A ride on L'al Ratty

Delicious and homemade (gluten free) birthday cake 

A visit to the Penrith birds of prey centre..........

Very beautiful Harris Hawk.....

..........and very well behaved too 

Otto the owl enjoying a tasty chicken bone

Beautiful close up of Otto the owl

And some new makes...........

Bow detail for my new jumper

My new chunky knit jumper

I love oversized jumpers......getting ready for the colder months already :)

KnittyNora xx

Monday, 29 July 2013

Well, hello there!

Over the last few weeks I've been trying to keep myself busy with lots of crafty projects. Since I'm not able to climb or go out walking I've had to find lots of other things to keep me busy..........

Project one: Cable knit cushion

Here is a little look at the cable knit cushion I've been working on....

Triple cable 

Up close

I've made this from a pattern I designed myself. This can be tricky but it also allows you to amend and tailor the pattern as you go along, which is great.

If anyone would like the pattern details once I've finished please get in touch......

I've made up quite a few of my own patterns and would love to know if people would like me to share them.

Project two: Make do and mend.....continued.

And so, another pair of cords get a make over.

Here they are before:

Plain old cords

and here they are after I went a bit crazy with them :)

My (almost finished) dungarees

What do you think? 

Project three: What to do with all this fabric?

A selection of my new fabrics

A nice little close up

And so.....what does a girl do with all this fabric (and a few more pieces stashed away!)?!

I'm thinking a couple of new skirts and possibly a dress....... what do you think?

I'm off to play with my sewing machine......pop back soon for a peek at my complete cushion and perhaps a peek at something new :)

Best wishes,
KnittyNora xx

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Boungiorno! Come stai?


.........don't worry, you haven't clicked on the wrong blog..........I'm just practising my Italian :)

Given that I'm off work for the time being I thought I should use the time wisely and productively. Yes, I always have my crafty creations to keep me busy but I wanted to learn something new and exciting. For me, that is a new language. Now, many years ago I used to sing in many different languages (when you're a classically trained singer you kind of have to) but I never really learnt a language properly, or well enough to hold a proper conversation......besides from a bit of French and German at school. I've always loved Italy and the Italian language, goes......wish me luck! :)

Can anyone recommend any resources for learning languages?

I'm currently using a combination of BBC CD/book combo, a phrase book and an Italian dictionary.

On the craft front

Well, it wouldn't be an All You Need Is Craft blog post without a little bit about my crafty makes.....

I'm finding knitting in this weather rather difficult......never thought I'd say that! However, I'm trying to persevere with the cable knit cushion I'm making for a friend. I've also been sent some lovely cotton yarn from Kollabora which should make a lovely vest style top for the Summer months.

Just the right colour for me too! :)

And here's what I managed to make with some scraps of material and a few other bits and bobs I had lying around...................

Flower power brooch
Pop over to my Facebook page for a few more pics and further details: All you need is craft Facebook page

Out and about in the sun

Watching the fishing boats...........

.........checking the nets for a catch
When I'm not making, creating and trying to learn Italian, I've been trying to get out in the sunshine. A few days ago my husband took me to one of our favourite beach spots. It's completely shut off from anywhere else which means that it is the perfect spot for a quiet picnic and a nap (yes, I did say nap!). It's also a popular climbing spot, so whilst my husband climbed some boulders I took the time to lie in the shade, watch the fishing boats and have a lazy, sunny afternoon snooze.........perfect! 

Hope you've all been enjoying the weather, wherever you are :)

KnittyNora xxxxx

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Summer crafting

Sun, sun, sun! It's everywhere!

I LOVE a bit of sunshine, especially when I've got nothing else to do but relax in my little garden and eat ice cream......and not forgetting a bit of alfresco crafting. As you will have seen from a previous post, I have been busy altering some old clothes into new, summer friendly outfits.

Here is a picture of my finished skirt............I'm actually quite proud of this :)

The finished article

As modelled by me

As well as being on a 'mend and make do' mission, I've also been creating some new knitting patterns. I really enjoy making up my own patterns. They can take a while to work out and I sometimes have to make adjustments (as I change my mind about the finished item) but find the whole activity really fulfilling. There's nothing quite like receiving compliments on an item you've designed and created yourself.

Here is a little something I've been working on....................

A work in progress......... cable knit cushion

Have any of you ever designed and created your own crafty creations? I'd love to hear about them and/or see some pics :)

Lots of love,

KnittyNora xx

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

As time goes by..........

And so......another month has gone by since my last post. Unfortunately this is because of poor health rather my being too busy to post :(

Another trip to the specialist resulted with me spending another week in hospital...... I think I may need to start another blog for just my hospital visits! :) Thankfully, it seems that they may be closer to solving my health issues since the new team I've seen seem to know what's wrong......somewhat of a relief!

With feeling poorly much of the time I haven't had much energy for making. I have, however, done my very best to fit in some making when I can. This has mainly taken the shape of some baby bits and bobs for my friends who have recently had their first child. He is so sweet. I really love making things for other people.

Here is a little snap of one of the items:

Super cute little baby hat

With the weather changing here and there I've been making the most of sunny days by sitting in the garden and getting some help from my husband to plant some seeds and new plants. He is great at carrying pots and compost and I have the patience to sit and watch the plants grow....perfect combo :)
(I posted some pics of my plants in my last post....)

Unfortunately, some very naughty slugs and snails have decided that my little plants are so tasty they have decided to eat most of them :(

Anyone got any tips for keeping my veggies safe??!!

Speaking of projects....

Here's what I did with an old pair of cord trousers that were too big......

Cutting off the legs.........

Opening and restitching the seams around the bottom area

As you can see, I've chopped them up and made a low waisted skirt. Perfect for any season and great with a chunky belt. Just need to finish the hem :)

Not much to do now......

and I go to pin the hem of my new skirt.....

hope you're all enjoying the sunshine :)

KnittyNora xx

P.s. The hat was made using a pattern from Debbie Bliss's 'The knitter's year'. The pattern is called 'Striped baby hat'.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sunny Sunday - crafting in the great outdoors.

Let me set the scene for you.............

The sun is shining, the husband is out walking up mountains and I'm home alone with my crafting goodies.

Sounds good....?! :)

As some of you will be aware, I have been rather poorly recently and so my ability to go out chasing my husband up mountains is zero. Rather than dwell on my lack of energy for the outdoor activities I love so much I've decided to make the most of today and my brighter mood by doing the following:

  1. Writing an update to my much neglected blog
  2. Get back to some knitting and finish a top I started a while back
  3. Sit in the garden with a glass of cloudy lemonade
  4. Eat dinner in the garden

Well......why not combine the lot?! 

Great plan, KnittyNora! :)

And so, I'm off to sit in my garden, finish that knitted top and drink cloudy lemonade. When the husband gets back I'm sure he could rustle up something on the BBQ....... sounds like a great day!

Speaking of my garden......... is a little pic of my 'developing' wild flower patch in the corner of my garden - my little contribution to encourage wildlife to come and visit my garden.

We've since added some wild and fragrant flower seeds to the patch and just waiting for them to grow

....and some pics of my brand new veggie grow bags :)

New veggie grow bags
Tomatoes just starting to pop their heads out


I'll be heading south later in the week for another investigative operation.....wish me luck! 

Wishing you all the very sunniest of Sundays,

KnittyNora xxxx

 Some happy stuff:

I recently entered and came first in a competition run  by the lovely folks at 33Hearts (

Here is just one of the lovely items I won

Please pop over and say hi to them. They are very friendly and make some very cute items :)

Friday, 17 May 2013

A birthday, some new toys and a little inspiration.

Goodness me, it's been over two weeks since my last post.......... Ooops!

As many of you may already know, I have been rather poorly over the last few months and still have to juggle the good days (when pain is low) and the bad days (when all I can do is sleep). Since I'm unable to work at the moment I have been making the most of my time by reading craft blogs and seeking out inspiration from other makers and some beautiful new books I have recently acquired.

Yesterday was my birthday - happy birthday me!

I'm absolutely rubbish at asking for things so this year my husband got me to save weblinks to anything I liked in a special folder on the computer so that he knew what to get and could help friends and family decide what to get me too - GREAT idea! I don't feel awkward for asking and I know that people will be able to get me something that means a lot to me - in my case that's knitting books!

This year I also added a sewing machine to the list and a fantastic sewing book that I came across thanks to Kollabora (I LOVE that site). I didn't want anything too fancy since I am basically a beginner.

My tick list consisted of these main points:

  • Cheap
  • Suitable for a beginner - easy to use!
  • Fairly lightweight so that I can move it on my own. 
  • Basic range of stitches covered.
Thanks to my husband and Beldray, we found just that.......................

As a little treat on my birthday my husband took me to a fabric shop so that I could find some delicious fabric for my first official make on the new sewing machine. I found some beautiful material on sale - £5 a metre!

To start though, I thought I'd start with some fabric my husband's great aunt (Auntie Pat) gave me to play that I could practice my stitches and measuring skills :)

Pinning my seams

Beautiful floral fabric from Auntie Pat

Neat little side seam

Here is a link to the skirt I'm going to make:

I'm so glad to have my hobby to keep me company whilst I'm at home. I'd love to hear if any of you have a new projects on the go.....??

I'll be back soon with some updates on the skirt :)

Love and best,
KnittyNora xx

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Cushion or strapless top? decide

Here's a little something that I started on recently. It's a pattern I've created myself and therefore leaves lots of room for alteration and experimentation - my favourite!

A few cheeky snaps:

Simple cable detail

Hmmmmm.....what should it be? began as a cushion but I have to admit that I am very tempted to turn this little number into a strapless top for moi too :) Although.....could be both! A perfect excuse to go out shopping for more yarn.
Old skool sexy back sweater

I'm pleased to report that my old skool sweater (above and previous post) was featured on the Kollabora Facebook page. I was so pleased when I found my little top highlighted on their page......I was just a little bit proud and very excited. If you haven't discovered Kollabora it!

Kollabora website:

My featured item:

Please let me know what you think my latest creation should be...........

KnittyNora xxx

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Putting the pieces together...........

I'm pleased to say that since picking up my knitting needles again I have been able to finish a project I started before going into hospital.

Here is a picture of the pattern..................... is the finished article!

Low cut, crossover back detail

Simple neckline. Perfect little number for wearing with jeans or a pretty summer skirt

As you can see, I have altered the pattern so that the top is sleeveless. I wanted to make something suitable for the summer months which can also be transformed into a cosy autumnal number with the addition of a long sleeve t-shirt underneath.

What do you think?

KnittyNora xxx

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Hello again, lovely followers :)

Well, it's been a while! As some of you may have gathered from my Facebook page, I've been rather poorly for the past few months. After many a stay in hospital and a small operation, I am currently recovering at home. Unfortunately, this means that I have more than neglected my blog, Facebook page and crafting in general. Thanks to some very lovely friends, however, I have been able to read about other people's crafty journeys through the medium of beautiful crafting magazines.

When I've had the energy, it's been lovely to have a look at what everyone is making and have been introduced to the delights of Craftseller magazine. With pages full of tips for setting up your own craft business, beautiful (and free!) patterns and lovely stories from those readers who have taken the plunge and started their own crafty business it's sure to cheer up your day. If you haven't come across this magazine before you can find the website here:

Yesterday my husband took me for a short drive to get some fresh air and to enjoy the sunshine. Here are a couple of pics of what we saw.............

Beautiful sunny view at low tide

Spring lambs that were ever so friendly

Leaping rabbit!

And a much calmer relative of his :)

For now I am relaxing to some music from a couple of my favourite artists; Pentangle, Fairport Convention and Joni Mitchell, and enjoying a couple of new knitting books I have been gifted recently. I look forward to  making again soon, I hope!

Best wishes to all of my lovely readers and followers. I hope that you've all had a taste of the recent sunshine. It really does cheer you up and makes you feel like spring is (nearly) here :)

KnittyNora xx