Saturday, 20 July 2013

Boungiorno! Come stai?


.........don't worry, you haven't clicked on the wrong blog..........I'm just practising my Italian :)

Given that I'm off work for the time being I thought I should use the time wisely and productively. Yes, I always have my crafty creations to keep me busy but I wanted to learn something new and exciting. For me, that is a new language. Now, many years ago I used to sing in many different languages (when you're a classically trained singer you kind of have to) but I never really learnt a language properly, or well enough to hold a proper conversation......besides from a bit of French and German at school. I've always loved Italy and the Italian language, goes......wish me luck! :)

Can anyone recommend any resources for learning languages?

I'm currently using a combination of BBC CD/book combo, a phrase book and an Italian dictionary.

On the craft front

Well, it wouldn't be an All You Need Is Craft blog post without a little bit about my crafty makes.....

I'm finding knitting in this weather rather difficult......never thought I'd say that! However, I'm trying to persevere with the cable knit cushion I'm making for a friend. I've also been sent some lovely cotton yarn from Kollabora which should make a lovely vest style top for the Summer months.

Just the right colour for me too! :)

And here's what I managed to make with some scraps of material and a few other bits and bobs I had lying around...................

Flower power brooch
Pop over to my Facebook page for a few more pics and further details: All you need is craft Facebook page

Out and about in the sun

Watching the fishing boats...........

.........checking the nets for a catch
When I'm not making, creating and trying to learn Italian, I've been trying to get out in the sunshine. A few days ago my husband took me to one of our favourite beach spots. It's completely shut off from anywhere else which means that it is the perfect spot for a quiet picnic and a nap (yes, I did say nap!). It's also a popular climbing spot, so whilst my husband climbed some boulders I took the time to lie in the shade, watch the fishing boats and have a lazy, sunny afternoon snooze.........perfect! 

Hope you've all been enjoying the weather, wherever you are :)

KnittyNora xxxxx

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